Francioni Mastromarino
The artistic partnership between Eleonora Francioni and Antonio Mastromarino began in 2002.
In 2003, the desire to "produce art" pushed the duo to move to Pietrasanta, a city of art where they still live and work full time to sculpt. They participated in different art and group fairs in Italy and abroad for two decades.
Francioni and Mastromarino are authors of two extraordinary sculptures on Leonardo da Vinci. The first sculpture is in steel and idroresin, about 3 meters high was presented for the first time in 2014 at the Palazzo Mediceo di Seravezza (LU) on the meadow in front. Subsequently, the sculpture was placed inside the garden of the horticulture of Florence for "Artgarden", and the year after, it found a permanent location at the "Wood of Art" Bandinelli in Greve in Chianti (FI).
The second sculpture, made of idroresina and over 4 meters high, was presented at the urban exhibition of the Municipality of Pontedera (PI) "Arte per non dormire - Moti dell'Anima" tribute to Leonardo, curated by Alberto Bartalini. Also, in 2019 the same sculpture was exposed at the Mediceo Palace of Seravezza for Cibart and finally in Piazza del Town Hall in Pavia for the exhibition Looking for Monna Lisa terminated in June 2020 with catalog by Valerio Dheò. The artwork was acquired in 2021 by the Rice Scotti company in Pavia.
In the last period, Francioni and Mastromarino addressed great sensitivity and emotional impact themes, focusing on maternity goals and psychophysical metamorphosis. This artwork has therefore evolved into thorough research on the female universe.
Eleonora Francioni was born in Florence on July 4th 1978, and attended the Academy of Fine Arts. Antonio Mastromarino was born in Massafra (TA) on September 23rd 1978, and is self-taught.