Bozzo Luca

Luca Bozzo, architect, born (1970) and raised in Genoa where he works, finds inspiration for his artworks in the affascinating ligurian coast-town Camogli and Teriasca amongst the mountains of another ligurian pearl, Sori.
Luca reflects his artist and architect persona capturing the beauty of nature through metal processing. His artworks were exhibited at Alice Bel Colle, Bogliasco, Camogli, Genova, Milano, Malta and during other personal art-shows.
Research is the key behind all of his pieces since his objective is "giving life" to his wild nature artworks through metal working without recurring to welding.

The artist takes inspiration from antique sculpturing techniques such as toreutics, (the art of metal working in recess and relief, in vogue in ancient Egypt during the 2600 b.C.) and the Greek, primitive statuary which adoperated riveted metal sheets during the VII century b.C.. Indeed, before the discovery of the "lost wax" casting technique, metal statues were hammered out of metal sheets and bound together with nails or rivets.

Luca Bozzo revisited these antique techniques, giving rise to his own way of processing metal.
Each piece is unique as it is singularly hand crafted by hammering a previously drawn trace. Hammer blow after hammer blow, Luca gives a three-dimensional form to the subject defining it to the last detail. Each artwork could be reproduced and personalized using different materials, dimensions, thicknesses and finishes.
The artworks are lightweighted and could be simply installed as they were paintings.


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